SOS Care, educational project for the prevention of childhood accidents

The CareSOS Project for the prevention of childhood accidents It is part of the “With Greater Care” Campaign that the Mapfre Foundation has been developing in Spain and Latin America for several years.

These are initiatives that intend to provide society with tools that help them move towards an improvement of the preventive culture, in this case putting the emphasis on the dangers that exist for children in the home and school.

CareSOS is an educational program that has the collaboration of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), and which aims to promote the prevention of childhood accidents in the domestic and school environment.

It focuses on the adoption of safe and responsible behaviors at home and at school, involving family and educators as fundamental pillars in the education of children.

We want to make known where and why child accidents occur and influence how the adoption of certain simple habits can help reduce them, something that we must take into account in our homes to implement that prevention.

First, the project is aimed at families, responsible for ensuring the protection of children and taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents at home. And to teachers of pre-school and primary education so that these concepts are also transmitted in school.

But it is also aimed at children themselves, because self-protection is important. In this way, CareSOS teaches young children, in a period where the fundamentals of cognitive, affective, motor learning as well as work habits, coexistence and respect for others are established.

In the book for families we can find indications about fire and how to act at home, about the risks of toys and safety tips and the most frequent accidents at home (bumps and falls, poisoning, burns, choking ...). The instructions on how to act in each case and a first aid manual complete this extensive manual.

There is also a very interesting material for teachers, in English and Spanish, with concept cards that for parents can also come in handy. In them, different risk situations are taught through drawings and how they should act, a visual method that the little ones immediately understand.

Definitely, the CareSOS educational project for the prevention of childhood accidents It has some interesting materials for the whole family that we should always keep in mind to avoid risks at home.

Official Site | More carefully
In Babies and more | Safety tips in the bathroom, Safety notices for homes with children, Web to prevent accidents at home

Video: Child First Aid: How to save a choking child (July 2024).