"My child does not eat me", book for overwhelmed parents

When recommending our companions of Direct to the Palate the book of Carlos González, I realized that we have never talked about him in Babies and more with what we like the author's books and despite being a classic of literature for parents. My child doesn't eat me It is the first book written by the pediatrician with the intention of reassure many parents burdened by the inapetence of their children. We cannot deny that those five words are the most pronounced by parents regarding the feeding of their children.

To tell the truth, I have not read it because I have never had this kind of problem with my daughters, although it always works well as a consultation tool, but I have heard excellent reviews about the book and being from Carlos González I can recommend it with closed eyes.

It gives one of the keys about non-eating of children and is the perspective from which the problem is valued. Banish myths and beliefs that exist about infant feeding based on something basic: what is the amount of food we think our child should eat.

After we understand that food needs are different in each child and at each stage of growth we will learn to relativize the problem, not to force them to eat and thus avoid many disorders related to infant feeding in the future.

In his line, the pediatrician offers advice to prevent and solve the problems related to infant feeding recommending breastfeeding, teaching to introduce solid foods at the age and in the appropriate way and to know how to identify when there really is a serious problem and when there .

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (June 2024).