Buy, pay and check the laps is a flash application to practice math

The resources you publish Juan Garcia Moreno, teacher Rus primary education, in Jaén, on their Didactmaticprimaria page they are essential for teachers in class, better with digital whiteboards, or parents at home, teach or reinforce math to elementary school kids. And it is that Juan is a specialist in Mathematics and is especially interested in the didactics of Mathematics and in the development of interactive and multimedia educational content.

The application that we bring to Peques and Más includes numerous details, contents and options that make it extremely attractive to practice on the screen. Is called I BUYPAYMENTThey return me and proposes affordable challenges to Primary Education students. Juan explains on his page that it is an improvement of a previous application. It also explains that visual support facilitates mental calculation and the realization of multiple calculations and all without having to write a single number in the exact payment and exact return options.

On his website Juan explains in detail how to get the most out of him. I recommend it for parents to see how the knowledge of the children is when we care about how they move forward. This application is extraordinary to evaluate the knowledge of the children although the option to go with our kids to the supermarket and let them pay I also like to see how they develop in a real situation paying attention. And it is that the routine of paying requires reflection to choose coins and bills, associate it with payment to perform and be round of laps to receive.

Juan explains that the application allows working with numbers integers or decimals which undoubtedly makes it very attractive for children from fifth grade. The application also allows you to work with foreign currencies, not only Euros, so you can handle British pounds, Mexican pesos and US dollars. So there is no limitation to use this didactic resource accessible in Dropbox.

I recommend following the Juan's blog, as we already do with the school teacher's blog, and periodically review with our children how they are handled with the use of technology, knowledge, concepts, etc.

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