February 15: International Day of Children with Cancer

Today, February 15, is celebrated worldwide International Children's Day with Cancer. This year's motto is: When a child has cancer we all have it! In the manifesto that accompanies the motto are exposed some of the most pressing needs that these families, and above all, these little ones have. And these needs need to be met by our society.

The campaign of International Children's Day with Cancer It is promoted by the Spanish Federation of Parents of Children with Cancer, (F.E.P.N.C.). The Federation is made up of 15 Associations from all over Spain and extends its attention to parents from anywhere in our country.

They demand, and they are absolutely right, that all children suffering from cancer They have the right to access the best diagnosis and treatment, with the maximum guarantees of success. And that their treatment is carried out in Hospitals with specialized Units and that Home Hospitalization and Palliative Care Units are developed to improve the quality of life during the whole disease process. They also consider it very important that the observation and control of the sequelae caused by the disease and some of the current treatments are reinforced. Successful management of the secondary effector is the way to ensure that children can have a fully integrated adult life.

The disease carries important economic, medical, psychological and social needs for families. F.E.P.N.C. considers that attending them should be a priority.

The Federation explains that it was born before the verification of the important needs of children and their families that were not covered or were very deficient by the public administration.

Among the activities they carry out is providing information and advice on any aspect related to the disease and its treatment, offering moral support to parents and professional psychological support to children and their families. They also offer solutions to families who must travel for treatments and guide them to access public assistance.

They develop leisure programs for sick children and other projects that seek to improve the quality of care and humanize the stay of children and parents in the hospital.

At International Children's Day with Cancer they spread the campaign every year Solidarity Balloons, which aims to raise the greatest possible number of people about the needs of these children and to send them and their families a message of solidarity and hope. They ask everyone to launch these virtual balloons and invite our acquaintances to participate. If you wish to do so, you can join here.

Video: Global Disparities in Childhood Cancer (July 2024).