Smoking is more harmful than drinking alcohol during pregnancy

The Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery informs us of interesting news so that future mothers stop smoking and understand the risks involved in the disastrous vice. This society warns that smoking is much more harmful than alcohol consumption during pregnancy, not to be confused, both are harmful, but smoking presents more seriousness and dangers to the fetus.

The data provided by SEPAR (Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery), are truly alarming, up to 35% of future mothers do not quit smoking. There is no excuse, there have been many years that have been dedicated to the campaign against tobacco, against the risks and dangers that come with the future baby. Despite all the information campaigns and discoveries that have been provided to the media for future moms to understand gravity, it seems that vice is more powerful than the arrival in the world of a new life. Another important information provided by the Europa Press article is the incomprehensible relapse suffered by mothers who quit smoking during pregnancy and who resume their habit, up to 95% nothing less. Tobacco affects the future baby and also when he has been born, on the other hand, when he is able to quit smoking for a few months, he has to try to persevere and stand firm, in this is the mother's health as well.

SEPAR also reports that some mothers minimize smoking and that this practice is equally harmful or even worse for the baby. Trying a self-control and banishing a habit that can affect the baby is necessary, with large doses of love and awareness about the life that is to come can be achieved. If you plan your pregnancy, put the banishing of smoking first.

Video: Drinking While Pregnant - Effects Of Alcohol On Unborn Babies. Fetal alcohol syndrome (July 2024).