Adverse reactions to influenza A vaccine in pregnant women

The data published by the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology (ICF), an organization that analyzes information on reactions to the flu vaccine in addition to his effect on pregnant women, point out several quite important data.

The Panenza vaccine is the one distributed in Spain for pregnant women because it does not contain adjuvants and is produced by Sanofi Pasteur laboratories. Your safety in pregnancy is not proven according to your own prospectus.

In its prospectus, it is also indicated that not all vaccinates necessarily develop immunity and that there is no safety data available derived from the experience subsequent to its commercialization and it is warned that its effectiveness may be diminished if the patient is under some immunosuppressive treatment.

Eleven cases of women who had abortions after being vaccinated against influenza A have been reported in Europe, although there is no proven cause. However, he points out that the Panenza vaccine leaflet is advised that there is no data on the use and safety of said drug during pregnancy.

Regarding the Adverse effects It is pointed out that there are no data on side effects in Spain or adverse reactions, but they are disseminated by the health authorities of France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada and the United States.

The majority of adverse reactions attributed to the vaccine are of little severity and, in many cases, have consisted of causing a flu process: fever, chills and malaise but the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology warns that it cannot be ruled out that they give rise to reactions of greater wingspan that appear a few months after vaccination, such as autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.

As they have reported, they will keep their page updated weekly in this regard to keep the population informed about what can be investigated about the consequences of vaccination.

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Why pregnant women need flu shots (July 2024).