"Homo Baby Boom", documentary about homoparental families

Homo Baby boom is a documentary about homoparental families with children. In it, six homoparental families from Catalonia and Valencia (three with lesbian mothers, three with gay parents) explain how they had their sons and daughters.

They explain what reactions they have encountered, from their family and their environment, and how they have been affected by the legal changes of 2005, which allow marriage and adoption by homosexual couples and which has made it easier for these types of families to be increasingly frequent. .

The documentary begins by realizing what is the main concern of homoparental families: social acceptance. And his biggest challenge, visibility. Hence the importance of this type of documentary, which shows us how these families are as "normal" as any other. And that are based on what we all feel: love for our children.

And this, also when they have not been begotten by them: "love at first sight" arises with children adopted in the same way, as several families explain to us.

I recommend you listen to the testimonies of these families that show us emotional stories and images that will be very everyday, and give us an image of what constitutes them mostly.

Lesbian couples They mostly choose assisted reproduction to have children, hence the high percentage of twin children. International adoption or joint national adoption are also possible. There are also many homosexual fathers and mothers alone, although the documentary focuses on couples.

The second part focuses on the legal advances that in Spain have made possible the normalization of these unconventional families, to marry or adopt children, and the difficulties that were previously found to have children. The associations of Lasbian and gay families, family gatherings or the testimonies of the children themselves complete this interesting report.

Homo Baby Boom, the documentary about homoparental familiesHe has won several awards, selected in more than 40 festivals around the world, and aired on various televisions. In the video we see it in the original version in Catalan with subtitles in Spanish.

Official Site | Homo Baby Boom In Babies and more | “Children of colors”, beautiful illustrated book on adoption, The sexual orientation of the adoptive parents does not influence the emotional development of the children, Homosexual mothers and the development of the children

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