Letters for Santa Claus exclusive to Babies and more

There is less than a month left for Santa to arrive loaded with gifts and enthusiasm and many children have not yet written their letter. Maybe they haven't found the moment or maybe they're still not sure what they want to ask Santa Claus.

Just in case, and with more than twenty days of margin, Babies and more offers all the parents who follow us two exclusive letter models for Santa Claus, with drawings of the protagonist, which is none other than the one also called Santa Claus.

As I say, there are two different models (they are the ones you see in the image above) and you can also download the same letters but with the drawings of Santa Claus and the tree with gifts in black and white, in case your children want to be participants in The letter coloring a little.

I leave you below Santa's letters to download (click on the image to enlarge and print it):

By the way, in a few days we will publish the Exclusive letters from Babies and more for the Magi, do not miss them.

Video: Letter from Santa Claus (July 2024).