Homemade finger paint

Young children are passionate about finger painting. The one that is usually sold is made with non-toxic products, given that it is normal for children to accidentally ingest part. However, it is still not a chemical and I remember the little grace it did to me. But there is a way to do the homemade finger paint and with much more natural elements, cheap and quick to prepare.

Manual mixing and tactile experimentation join fundamentally visual artistic expression. Finger painting also adds relief to the works, which makes them much more fun for little ones.

The Kireei page, a true source of beautiful and fascinating ideas, teaches us how to make our own finger paint. The ingredients are water, cornmeal and food colors of various shades. The flour is mixed with a glass of cold water, then two more glasses are added and it is boiled. Then it must be removed until it has the desired consistency, putting the colors at the end of the mixture.

I have already done it and the result has been great. In a few minutes and without having to buy it I have prepared several small bottles of different colors with which we have spent a wonderful afternoon.

Video: Home & Family - How to Make DIY Finger Paint (July 2024).