Do you usually arrive late to the sites? Well, according to science, the unpunctual ones get less stressed and live longer

Are you one of those who are late when you stay with family or friends? Do you find it difficult to be punctual because you always have some setback at the last moment? If so, you are in luck, well according to science people who are always late are more long-lived and successful than the rest

I recognize that after having children it costs me many more to be punctual, and that stresses me. Although I am also stressed by the disorder that always reigns at home or being unable to reach everything. But all these situations are also part of motherhood, so if science says it has a positive part: welcome!

The unpunctual ones stress less and live longer

Although punctuality is one of the qualities that is most often valued, the truth is that it is common to find people unable to get to sites on time. This happens especially when we have children, and it seems that there is always a setback that delays us when we were about to go out the door.

An explosive poop, a sudden vomit, discover a spot of mash on our shirt, realize that we have forgotten at home the baby's pacifier, his attachment doll or a replacement molt ... It sounds to you, right?

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Although nobody likes to be late, - nor do we have to wait for the unpunctuality of others -, we can now look for a positive side thanks to a recent study published in the journal Parents.

According to scientists, unpunctuality contributes to a healthier and longer life. This is because, in general, people who tend to be always late to places end up being less stressed, and live in a more relaxed way.

This way of facing life has a positive impact on health, with lower blood pressure, lower risks of heart disease, greater cardiovascular health, lower risk of stroke and lower probability of depression.

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But in addition to stressing less, unpunctual people they tend to be more optimistic, vital and perfectionist than the rest, and all this would also have a more successful professional career. What more could you want?

My new year's purpose: get to be punctual? Yes, but above all, stress less

Surely you are thinking the same as me: nowadays studies on anything come out. But for me, who has been fighting to stop being unpunctual for three years, it has made me look forward to reading the positive side of this trait.

Because who knows me for a long time knows that I have always been an extremely punctual person, but as a result of to become a mother of a large family, I find it impossible to get to the sites, so I deeply admire the mothers and fathers who get it.

When my little son was born I was making a world go out with three children, two of them babies. I always ended up forgetting something at home and I had to turn around, or there was a setback that delayed me despite the fact that my watch is ten minutes ahead (precisely because of my obsession with punctuality).

A short time later the two years of my middle daughter arrived, and with them the typical phase of tantrums and the "I can alone"; a phase in which I find myself again submerged with my little son. Before the "I know alone", I like to give him space, confidence and promote his autonomy by letting him be the one who dresses, washes and combs or prepares his backpack to go to school. But it is inevitable to feel the pulse accelerated when I see the clock run and watch the tranquility with which children take life.

And I have to confess that I I'm not one of the unstressed little ones who says science, If not the opposite. I am overwhelmed to be late to the places and I don't like to make anyone wait, although lately I am trying to relax more, and I have discovered that taking this type of situations with more calmness helps me to take it better.

In Babies and more, is it true that the mothers of three children are the most stressed?

So I have decided that this is one of my New Year's resolutions. Because when you learn to relax, to be more flexible and relativize things, everything flows better and is enjoyed more every day.

What do you think about it? Are you one of those who are stressed by being late, or of the unstressed little ones who say science?

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Video: Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin (July 2024).