Babies highlights and more: May 20-26

Today Monday as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more, those contents that have aroused your interest.

These days we have revealed that the psychiatrist who "discovered" ADHD confessed before dying that it was a fictitious disease and if you thought we had seen them all we have also brought you some controversial images of a presenter who sucks breast milk in a television program .

In our Pregnancy Special week by week We are in week 17, stay tuned for the next posts on the subject. As for the development of the child, we have talked about what we should not do when the baby starts talking and especially what the babies tell us without talking to us.

For what the holidays already plan, what do you need to know before pointing the child to a summer camp? And we have shown you a nice video with the "Oompa Loompa" method to sleep babies.


We've also seen what happens when your child gives you arguments against parenting with attachment and about the example we give them, if you don't want your child to be like you, change.

We continue to work so that this week that begins arrives full of interesting content for the whole family, and in seven days we will return with a new summary of Babies highlights and more. Have a happy week!

Video: Tips to Make This Summer at Camps Airy & Louise Successful for You and Your Child - 2019 (July 2024).