Application for teaching literacy in Early Childhood Education

To learn to read and write, both sound and spelling are fundamental, and there are many ways to get into the world of letters. As we bet on fun ways, today we talk about a application designed for children in Early Childhood Education that start in the world of literacy.

It is a material of the Institute of Educational Technologies (ITE) and presents very varied and interesting games for children: recognize letters in relation to drawings that contain them or not, join upper and lower case letters, "draw" the different letters with your finger, recognize the different characters ...

And all accompanied by audio that explains the steps to follow and "read" the names of the drawings involved in each game.

The application will also be useful for all those children who have some difficulty in learning.

By emphasizing the sound and the corresponding spelling, through entertaining games, it is an excellent tool that reinforces the phonological awareness of the students and favors the automation of the processes involved in reading and writing.

In this way the coding of written signs is facilitated and reading and writing are strengthened, making the process faster and paying more attention to the meaning of the text and not so much to its form.

In short, if we want some simple games to help little ones who start reading and writing, this application is an interesting option that will also make us have a fun time with them.

Video: My Literacy Group Activities (July 2024).