The hard battle of parents of children with allergies against those who insist on giving them what they cannot eat

With the increase in cesarean deliveries, the absence of breastfeeding, a possible excess of hygiene in the care of children and with the progress of the specificity of the tests, more and more children are diagnosed with food allergies.

This circumstance clashes a bit with a time when very few children had allergies or intolerances (or had them but no one diagnosed them as such), and there are people who think that at that time they did not know children who suffered from them, the children Parents saying "don't give that to my child" are nothing more than hobbies and desire to attract attention. Today we talk about the hard battle of parents of children with allergies against those who insist on giving them what they cannot eat.

The first symptoms are those that take parents to one or several visits to the pediatrician. If the allergy is very beast (the reaction is severe) and can quickly relate to the allergen ("I have given this and after a while", there is not much problem, because you are clear what it is. If the allergy is no longer so severe and we talk about some vomiting or diarrhea, abdominal pain and things like that, then the symptoms can be confused with various pathologies and it may take longer to reach the diagnosis.

Now, when the possible cause is finally known and the tests are done, the parents already know what foods the child cannot eat (or should not eat if the allergy is mild) and they just have to eliminate them from the diet.

In Babies and more, never offer food to a child you don't know

When they tell you they are going to give you something they can't eat

Then you explain it to the family, that the child cannot eat "such", nor "which", nor "paschal"; And that's when everyone reacts in a different way. First they ask you why, to which you explain that he has an allergy and that when he eats it, his stomach hurts, or he causes diarrhea, or vomits ... some worry and decide that he will never give anything without asking you before, and others decide that " well, "but they suspect that surely you or the doctors are wrong, because the child looks great and just the other day I was asking him to eat what you say he can't eat.

How if asking for it shows enough that it doesn't really feel bad (because they must think that if he felt so bad, the child would not ask for it), they venture to show you that you are wrong and, as they say, "loaded with fists." And so the moment comes when they tell you: "Hey, you said I couldn't eat this but the boy is asking me. I give it, okay?" Then he offers it to the boy while he says: "Come, eat it that this is great ... now your father will see how this feels great to you, that I don't know anyone allergic to this. If today's parents are lazy ...".

And there you arrive in a hurry, running as if there was no tomorrow, as fast as you never thought you would achieve, singing a "Noooooo give it to him !!" and tearing it from the kid's mouth while you wait and wish it didn't swallow anything.

When they tell you they've given you something they can't eat

After that first chapter, and one more than logical discussion, the person can jump to the second phase of pressure: "If I ask you and you don't leave me, I don't ask you next time." And in their thirteen to give the child what they consider so good, that "it can't be good for a child to grow up without eating this food," they just give it to them. Again they think that they are going to teach you a lesson so that you learn that they are right, and again they think that they are doing something positive, even more fun if we talk about a party.

A party: children out there without control, a lot of food, everyone eating everything, except yours, poor thing, who has his tasteless cake apart from that of others Because you have it bitter. But the parties are to get a little out of hand ... it's those moments when some adults put a little alcohol on the children because they think it's funny, because they think they should also participate in the party of the elderly, and because they are happy to see the face they put on swallowing it.

Those moments when they say to the child: "Go, do not eat what your mother has put on you that looks like a shoe sole and drink, eat from the cake of others, that you will see how delicious." As if the child I wouldn't want to eat it because he thinks he won't like it. Or as if I couldn't eat it because the mother thinks she won't like it.

In Babies and more Nine tips to face back to school when there are food allergies

Then they tell you, and some even laugh: "Didn't you say that I could not eat this? Well, do not see how it has zampado." And between reproaches and perhaps some insult you run to where your son is feeling the worst mother in the world for having left it in the hands of adults who are more irresponsible than the children themselves. And you look it up and down looking for possible side effects, asking if it's okay and saying goodbye to everyone "until next time, or not", because you don't have any desire to continue celebrating anything and why yes, you have a pre-filled syringe with adrenaline, but as you would have to go to the hospital, you prefer to leave from home than from a party.

When they give him something he can't eat, and they don't tell you

And finally there are those who think the same, that they are all hobbies of the parents, who have the child overprotected and who avoid, protect, control and limit they are making it silly... that we used to eat up to mud and nothing happened to us, and now with so much modernism it turns out that we have all the children in a bubble that then happens what happens, that they don't like to eat anything and that they can't even eat it because it turns out that (read with retintín) "it makes the poop a little loose."

Well, they alone mount it all. They decide to give you what you say they can't eat and just wait to see what happens that day or in the days ahead. Because they are convinced that nothing will happen to them, and they will also be confirmed if they see that nobody calls them to explain that the child has had to go to the hospital because it is fatal (or discarded if they see that they have bundled it).

And in the meantime you see yourself at home with the child vomiting, crying, with diarrhea again (in the best case, because in the worst you'll be running to the emergency room), and you wondering what new allergy will surprise you, wondering what you gave him during the day and what he took last night, asking your partner, and wanting to take him back to the pediatrician to explain that he is again with symptoms and that he could have an allergy to something else, to see if he discovers and you can eliminate it too, because although allergies are a torture, because they condition your life and that of your child, the first thing you want is don't have a bad time.

Although others do not understand what an allergy is, how dangerous it can be to give them what they cannot eat, or respect the requests of parents worried about your child's health and life.

In Babies and more Allergies in babies: Anaphylactic reaction (anaphylaxis) and childhood shock

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In Babies and more | How to prevent and relieve allergy in children, Allergy shots: all there is to know, The most frequent allergies in children

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