Free glasses at the Alain Afflelou Foundation for children who need them

In the health center where I work we make daily vision checks of children in order to detect possible deficits that may be affecting the child's life and even their school performance. It is a service that goes into social security, but in case you need them, the glasses have to be bought by parents, like a lifetime.

However, the situation in which we live now is not that of a lifetime, and I realize when I see the faces of some parents when they think about the cost of glasses. Therefore, seeing the campaign of the Alain Afflelou Foundation, which has been doing them for years, I have been encouraged to talk about it because they offer reviews to children and, if they need glasses, they give them away.

The aforementioned campaign, which is called Visual Health Campaign Against School Failure It started on September 15 and will end on October 31.

During this time revisions will be made to children between 5 and 7 years old, an age at which visual maturation is already sufficient to begin to detect problems. The revisions will be made in the ALAIN AFFLELOU optics, with special emphasis on amblyopia detection, better known as "lazy eye".

To be able to go to a review, you must be able to prove the child's age and request an appointment at one of the brand's opticians within the period mentioned.

Last year, as we are told, 10,265 revisions were made and 5,611 glasses were given away.

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