Dads and moms blogs (XL)

Today, one more week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the parents and moms blogs that we can find on the net.

In Thirty with son We have been able to read a brief confession from this mother that explains that now that she spends little time with her son for work reasons, she enjoys the time she spends sleeping her son every night. No doubt a beautiful way to tell them that despite everything, mom is still there.

In We have boobs, Ileana leaves us a very interesting reflection about the progress of science and the technification of life, observing how sometimes solutions focus on solving problems when they have already occurred, instead of preventing them. The entry is entitled "Science, freedom and nature".

In A present for the whole life Sonia explains to us how her oldest son suffers some regressions (or so it seems), now that she sees that mom spends a lot of time with little Jon. Interesting to understand some behaviors of children with little brothers.

In Bits of me We have learned that creativity is learned, thanks to the publication of an interview with the expert Ken Robinson that was made in La Vanguardia. Almost essential reading for anyone who wants to understand why some children do not adapt well to the closed schemes of education in schools.

In The stories of Papa Lobo, we have been able to read a few news about your son in the casual and entertaining style that he always uses to write with the entry "Put me a little of everything ..." in which he explains, as a major novelty that his son has begun to walk a few years ago days (and that was the last to know ...).

In ThoughtsLiliana tells us about breastfeeding and weaning and how important it can be for a child to be breastfed even when health professionals start recommending weaning.

In Parenting and Trust, Miri tells us that with her daughter she is living what she did not do with her son, the worry of seeing that she eats more than she expects from her. Curious entry to discuss the issue of the amount of food in a way contrary to usual ("my child does not eat").

To finish, in Mom cow, we have been able to read an entry that dismantles the myth of I do not have enough milk / My milk does not feed you with recent and reliable information, which can be very useful for those mothers who have such doubts.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.