Summary of the week from March 23 to 29 in Peques and More

Punctual to our weekly appointment in the review of our web friend of Peques and more We bring you the highlights of this last week of March to get a little closer to the world of your children from 5 to 12 years

These days we have offered in our blog some news that we hope we never have to share with you all again. If there is one thing that is important to all of us, it is undoubtedly to defend the childhood of our children and of all the children in the world. That is why we wanted to express our dissatisfaction by knowing how a company in the United Kingdom markets bikinis with padding for girls or as a mother in the same country injects Botox and waxes her 8-year-old daughter. Some facts that as we repeat, we hope we never have to comment again.

Because it is clear that to be parents we must work daily to be aware that the education of our children is of vital importance and that is why we want to help you talking about issues such as family sex education or the weight problems they have today the boys and girls In addition we have included this week tips on the safety of our children when they go on wheels, because the fun and protection of children must go hand in hand.

Also in Peques and more during the last seven days we have shared several conferences and interviews of the most relevant characters, If we talk about education and creativity in reference to children:

To start, Francesco Tonucci and his thinking towards a school we all want José Antonio Marina who has told us "that to educate children, we need an entire tribe" an affirmation without a doubt, as true as unreal today. Cameron Herold who has told us that "Children can change the world by being entrepreneurs."

And to the great Ken Robinson that in an interview with Eduard Punset He has transmitted to us how "creativity can be learned just as you learn to read", an affirmation that is undoubtedly very interesting and that would change many theories wrong, but that so far have set the tone in early childhood education. As you can see a whole cast of professionals and thinkers that we cannot lose sight of if we want to be up to date on motivation and education of our children.

Finally we encourage you to do some family activities that we have found fascinating. Because going to see the great Magician Lari at his magic show, spending a fun afternoon at La Casa lit de la Obra social box in Madrid or discovering dinosaurs and prehistory inside Castellón are undoubtedly wonderful options to convert our days in unforgettable moments with those little people so fascinating and we love them so much: our children.

Happy week, within seven days we will be back loaded with many more news and advice from our sister blog of Peques and More.

Video: Top 5 Мagicians. Britain's Got Talent 2017 (May 2024).