Danone forced to pay a fine for exaggerating the properties of Activia and Actimel

It is not the first time that legal action is taken against Danone for lying when it comes to praising their products. A couple of years ago, in the United Kingdom, it was reported that Danone said that Actimel was able to increase children's defenses, and that it was scientifically proven. It was shown that it really was not scientifically proven and the company was urged to withdraw the coletilla.

Now, in the US, where they seem to be less benevolent, Dannon Co. (American subsidiary of Danone), He has paid 21 million dollars, which is said soon, to exaggerate the properties of his Activia yogurt and DanActive milk drink (Actimel).

As announced by the brand, the bacteria in your Activia yogurt help improve intestinal transit and those in Actimel increase our children's defenses (or ours), when one is taken each day. The Federal Trade Commission (FTF) has stated that there is no scientific evidence to support these claims (Ergo are a lie) and for this reason it has been decided to fine the company.

In addition to paying the fine Danone will have to remove the misleading slogans of both yogurts and drinks and advertising.

Danone defends himself

The fine to Danone is the result of a case that has been treated by prosecutors general of 39 American states, becoming the largest consumer protection agreement with a food producing company.

Still, Danone tries to save the furniture, stating that Activia is good for constipation as long as three servings a day of the product are ingested (as it might be good to eat three servings of fruit, for example).

Actimel has received multiple complaints in Spain

In addition to this fine and the withdrawal of deceptive advertising in the United Kingdom two years ago, it has been known that Actimel's ads, in Spain, are the ones that have received the most complaints, since it is considered misleading the message that taking an Actimel daily our defenses will be reinforced in some way, not being fully proven.

I do not know if this measure will help much, because I have the impression that the usual thing in the industry is to exaggerate all the products, even at the risk of being caught. Something like "lying, we do it all ... if we stop lying, we stop selling, so we cross our fingers and hope it is someone else they catch."

Anyway, it is appreciated that there are organizations that ensure the interests of citizens and that put the cards on the table so that we are the ones who make the final decision when choosing the products we are going to consume.

Video: Toy Story 4 Ever (July 2024).