How did you say you were pregnant?

A few days ago we talked about the moment when mothers and fathers give the news of pregnancy to their relatives, explaining some advantages and disadvantages of waiting to say it or saying it almost at the moment the test is positive. Today I want to go a little further for you and you to explain to us how did you tell others that you were expecting a baby.

When a child is desired the news of pregnancy is very good and great news. It is a family event, a future change for all and a great illusion for parents, brothers and friends. Giving bad news is difficult and nobody likes it, but giving good news is easy, especially if you know they will be well received.

A news such as waiting for a baby can be said simply by saying that you are going to be a mother or father or it can be done in other ways, with a touch of humor, showing the ultrasound, with a message on a shirt, etc.

Explaining the news without more

There is not much secret. It is the most classic method. It is said and that's it: "we are going to be parents", "we expect a child for eight months", "you are going to be a grandmother", "you are going to have a nephew". To give him more emotion, he says before: "hey, I want to tell you something" and so the person is left with the doubt of whether he has done something wrong, has done something right, if the news will be good or if it will be bad. Then loose the news and the face of concern turns into a lighted, smiling face, eyes that open up to no longer be able and surely a hug and a kiss, or the hand and a few pats on the back if you are a man.

T-shirts as an advertisement

You can make a “I'm going to be a mother” or “I'm going to be a father” t-shirt and wear it the day you want people to find out. T-shirts with letters usually attract people's attention, accustomed to reading funny or provocative messages and therefore already taught to look at those words.

Can also be done custom shirts for each person: "I'm going to be a grandmother", "I'm going to be an uncle", "I'm going to be ..." and give them to everyone as a gift, however this is already more expensive because you have to make several shirts (the cheap method would be to buy basic shirts and write them with clothes paints) and because I don't know if people will put them on later.

For our second child (I have already explained this some time), we took an inner shirt of Jon (already almost in the last) and with a permanent marker we wrote "I'm going to have 1 little brother", being the "1" very large In the center of the shirt. It took more than one to realize that it was a hand-painted shirt and more than one we had to say "go read what you put on Jon's shirt".

Show the first ultrasound

Another way to tell people that you expect a child is simply showing the first ultrasound. If you are one of those who cannot bear to keep the secret you have it wrong, because many times the first ultrasound is not done until 12 weeks, but if not, it is as simple as putting in front of the person you want to surprise an ultrasound to to see your future baby or make several copies for everyone to see.

If you choose this option we recommend doing a previous scan to put a title like "my future baby", "your future grandson", "see you in nine months" or similar, or the cheap method, paste in a corner a label with the sentence. I know a father (mine), who thought it was the ultrasound of a tumor when his daughter (my sister) put it in front of her.

Give some booties

The booties are one of the most typical objects of babies, although there are now many who no longer use them. Being a child icon, there are many mothers who decide gift booties to give the news. People open the gift and then ask themselves: “Patucos? I'm pregnant? Are you pregnant? ”And there tie ends until you get to know the news.

Who says booties says some other baby item, such as a custom bib or a pacifier, to give some examples.

A family meal

We Spaniards are very celebrations. Any excuse is good for setting up a meal or a dinner and bringing everyone together, so this news can not be less. You tell everyone that you have to give them some news and that you want to celebrate it and, if they ask you, then you answer that it is related to the work (they will think they have given you a promotion or similar).

Then once they are invited you can do any of the things that we have mentioned before (give away booties, show ultrasounds, etc.) or have the detail of thinking about the future baby at the time of eating and put a place with a small plate and also small or baby cutlery. If there are no invited children, everyone will ask who they are and the most knowledgeable will find out the news. If there are, they will say that either a child is missing or a plate is left over. Then you say: "no, there is no more, I have counted well."

You can also eat quietly and as a dessert bring a cake on which the message is written: "From here to nine months ...", "we are going to be parents", or the one that seems best to you.

Via Facebook

There are those who do not dismiss the new technologies and use them even for things like that, so it can be a good option for anyone who wants all family and friends to know at once use social networks like Facebook. A picture of the belly, the ultrasound or the pregnant woman smiling with the title you want: "In nine months we will be one more", "I know of one who is pregnant", "I present to my little chick", ... and ready. Nobody is angry to find out later than the others, it is an economic option and in the process all contacts find out. The bad thing is that it is also the least individual and personalized.

Any more?

After some of the most common and usual ideas I ask you, in case you have used some other original and fun method and want to make it available to other mothers and fathers. As we said, This is good news and the memory of announcing it is usually beautiful, more if you have fun and more if you manage to amaze those who find out at that time.

Photos | Virexmachina, jessica.diamond on Flickr
In Babies and more | When did you tell the family that you were pregnant ?, Being a dad: How to tell the news, Ways to surprise with the news of pregnancy