"Cheese challenge" the absurd viral challenge that has raised the controversy in social networks

If you thought you had seen everything in regards to absurd viral challenges, comes "cheese challenge", a new challenge that stars babies and young children, and that has raised the controversy in social networks.

In recent days, YouTube has been filled with videos that spread this viral challenge consisting of throw a slice of industrial cheese to babies' faces and get it to stick to the skin. In our opinion something absurd, humiliating and devoid of all grace.

In Babies and more, YouTube prohibits dangerous challenges involving minors and abusive jokes that cause emotional harm to children

Is everything worth a handful of likes?

You just have to look for the challenge on YouTube to realize the number of parents who, for a handful of likes, perform or consent to this type of action with their babies.

The reactions of children to receive the impact of the slice of cheese on their faces are the most variopintas. There are those who cry, they are paralyzed, they take it off with their hands ... but most are perplexed and scared, without understanding what has happened.

And it is that a baby who plays, sleeps or eats peacefully next to his parents or his reference figures, he doesn't expect to suddenly receive a slice of cheese on his face, no matter how funny the scene may be for some adults.

Looking at the images (which we are not going to reproduce here because we consider it in bad taste) and reading comments from those who think "it is not so much" because it is a simple game, I invite the following reflection:

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Respected children, respectful adults

There are two fundamental aspects that I would like to highlight from this viral challenge: on the one hand there is the mistreatment and humiliation towards the baby, and on the other the example that these parents give their children with their actions.

Maybe there are those who think that using the term "abuse" in this viral challenge is excessive, but in my opinion, parents who plan (or consent) to this absurd video with the only purpose of laughing at his son and entertain others, they are causing harm. Surely it is not physical damage, but I bet anything that the baby interprets the slice of cheese as something shocking, cold, unpleasant and devoid of all logic.

And if not, let's ask how many adults would gladly accept this "funny" joke, and then they would gladly share the images on the Internet so that everyone would laugh at their reaction ...

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On the other hand, we all want our children to be respectful and empathic people with those around them, but on many occasions, parents not only do not lead by example, but we ourselves disrespect them.

He respect and attention to children is essential, not only because they deserve it since they were born, just like anyone else, but because through our relationship with them, we are also teaching them to be respectful of others. But how are we going to instill these values ​​if we plan or laugh absurd viral challenges in which humiliation and disrespect are the protagonists?

What do you think about the "cheese challenge"? Do you find it funny or outrages you as much as we do?

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