Highlights in Babies and more: June 11-17

Today as every Monday we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, those topics that have interested you most during the last seven days.

We started with two new specials, the one dedicated to Infant feeding, in which we have talked about children who eat little and those who do it in excess; next to Summer Special with children and the tips to choose summer camp. Stay tuned, because we will bring you new topics in these Specials.

In addition we continue with the series of articles on postpartum, this time talking about sexuality at this stage. We have talked about the first baths of the baby that the mother should give, and about professions to work from home when they have children.

We have realized a study that indicates that breast milk can block HIV, on children who have flat feet up to four years (and it is normal) or on parents who carry their babies.

Mireia has told us her impressions about the First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity, which after so much effort and work has concluded successfully. Its motto, "For the Conciliation: between the desires, the rights and the duties".

Other news has drawn the attention of the readers, such as the reaction of the Scientific Societies of Madrid against the suppression of the pneumococcal vaccine from the calendar, that tight underpants affect male fertility or that breastfed babies could have a greater cognitive development .

Finally, we remind you that you can answer the question of the week In our Answers section, this week related to the upcoming vacation for many:

What are your family plans for this summer?

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last days has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More So you don't miss anything.

Video: June 11 2017 -- Sunday School (July 2024).