Basic tips for traveling with babies by plane

Today we woke up wanting to travel with babies and I remembered an interesting recent reading. Our companion Pau from Traveler's Diary, an experienced traveler who has a young son, offers his basic tips for traveling with babies by plane.

I recommend you take a look at the post that clarifies practical data such as the age at which babies can get on the plane, the issue of transporting baby meals on board, the price of tickets, the necessary documentation, billing the stroller ... Issues to keep in mind when getting on a plane with babies, although there are also other tips that we want to remember.

Therefore, here we also rescue a series of posts about travel with babies and children by plane which may be of interest to all traveling parents:

We know that children are annoying on airplanes, and I attest to this because some debate I have had about it in the Traveler's Journal. We have also heard bad news about women who have not been very well received for breastfeeding on the plane. And there are places on some planes where babies are not welcome.

But luckily they are not widespread attitudes and traveling with children, even if it is not easy, is a pleasure. We hope these basic tips for traveling with babies by plane Encourage them to meet new places with your children.

Video: 10 Tips for Airline Travel with Baby (July 2024).