Premises for swimming with babies

We have talked several times in Babies and more about the benefits that babies bring to swimming and how much fun parents have with them.

Our Vitónica colleagues tell us some basic premises to keep in mind when we practice matronation with our babies.

Through matronation, the aim is to strengthen the bond between the father and mother and the baby, in addition to motivating their early motor skills. It is also attempted that the child does not lose his innate reflexes such as voluntary apnea, a mechanism by which the newborn is able to block the upper airways by submerging or receiving water on the face or head.

The primary keys to keep in mind when you enter the water with your baby can be found by clicking on "Continue reading" or on Vitónica.

to. The pediatrician should take care of the child's health. b. The child must be the protagonist of his games. C. The experience shared with parents. d. The time will depend on the resistance and enjoyment of the baby e. Classes should include teaching materials (balls, boards, etc.) appropriate to the age. F. It is convenient to wait until the fourth month of life. g. Avoid scares the baby. h. Do not leave "never" the baby alone near water (overconfidence). i. We must not allow food consumption before the matronation session. j. It is important to dry the child immediately after bathing, to avoid sudden changes in body temperature. k. A sick child should not bathe under any circumstances. l. Do not force the development of skills in the baby to achieve the development of their peers. m. Always use non-slip soles, avoid jumping or any type of game on the edge of the pool. n. We must take into account the hygienic and sanitary control of the vessel. or. Avoid the false sense of security that develops when you see babies move in the water. It could produce in some parents the idea that their children would be able to swim and be autonomous in the water.

Video: Echo Fine Properties Showcase: Lisa's Kick Start Swim School (July 2024).