White marks for back to school

Our entire environment is full of brands: stores, advertisements, ourselves and the people around us ... A pen, a computer, sports shoes ... The equipment stores for kids and school supplies are full of brands, and of the most popular children's characters.

Behind SpongeBob, Hello Kitty, Spiderman, Disney Princesses ... there are brands that make the products have a "cache", a higher price than the same product without a brand, without a popular character.

I want to think that if a child is not bought brand materials or clothes, and he is explained why, the time will not come when they want that brand yes or yes, not even because it is fashionable and is what they all wear Your little friends You will understand that it is not important (unless it is a question of quality, but this does not always happen).

Consumer associations estimate that "white" products can reduce spending by 30% for every child who goes to school. If we multiply by children and by school years ... we can calculate the fortune in savings.

It is certainly a figure to take into account in this time of crisis. The budgets of the return to school can be reduced a lot if you run away from the first brands in clothing and accessories, prices are compared or if a phased purchase is made. These are tips that we repeat year after year.

For uniforms the price difference is clear: a gray brand pants costs 47 euros, while another "white brand" can cost 12 euros. The babis or school bibs range from 6 to 30 euros. And so with each garment, and footwear or sportswear.

For school supplies, we know that fashion is fashion, and that our children love having your favorite children's characters in pencils, cases, backpacks, notebooks… But the price will decrease a lot if those brand images are not stamped on the material.

Any child idol, either cartoon, or series with real actors, makes the product in which it appears more expensive. An example: backpacks from three euros to 10 white mark, cost 22 euros if it appears Ugly Duckling, SpongeBob or The Smurfs.

Consumer associations for all this they recommend that parents buy white label material and school equipment, which offer a good quality product at a better price than high brands, becoming more and more competitors. And do not forget to educate our children in a responsible consumption, also for the sake of the pockets.

Video: How To Remove White Marks From Your Baby Alive! Commercial Style (July 2024).