Tips to keep in mind to succeed in buying the baby carriage

The choice of the stroller is a very important decision, since it is one of the essential items during the baby's first years. To avoid regrets, we give you some tips to keep in mind when buying baby stroller.

Today there is so much variety of brands and models of baby chairs that it is necessary to make a thorough market study before choosing.

But the main thing is to be clear about the particular needs of each family to know how to choose the stroller that best suits their lifestyle, such as:

Type of use we will give

We must take into account the type of use we will give. If we will give you a urban use, it will be used mostly in the city, so we need a stroller that is versatile, maneuverable and lightweight to easily drive it along sidewalks and streets.

On the other hand, if we give a majority rural use, or if we go out to run with the baby, we will need a wide wheel stroller that can be driven on all kinds of terrain and with a good suspension system.

The characteristics of the house

The house and the baby carriage have to "combine"That is why it is very important to take into account some characteristics of the house when choosing both models.

We must take into account if there is an elevator or we will go up the cart with the stairs. If so, it must be an easily foldable cart, with one hand and that can also be transported in one hand to be able to take the baby in the other.

If there is an elevator, it is essential to take measures to ensure that the stroller will fit inside, if possible, deployed. There are really very small elevators.

Before deciding on the purchase, we also have to think about where it will be stored inside the house (in the hall, in the storage room, etc.) to get a better idea of ​​the necessary dimensions.

And from the trunk of the car

Like the house, the trunk of the car must also be combined with the cart. Of course, it has to fit comfortably inside the cubicle, taking into account that ideally there should be room for anything else we want to store, such as shopping bags or the baby's bag.

The weight of the stroller must also be taken into account at this point. You must have a moderate weight to be able to lift it and place it inside the trunk without too much effort.

Folding is also important, especially if the stroller and the family car will be used frequently. It has to fold easily, and quickly.

If it will be used for public transport, easy and fast folding is of the utmost importance, as is lightness.

Stroller drivers

We must also think about who they will be the usual drivers of the stroller and its height. Based on this, we will choose a higher, lower or adjustable handlebar.

Many times it is the grandparents who carry and bring the baby, so you have to think of a stroller that has simple mechanisms and is easy to fold.

Accessories and performance

In terms of benefits, you have to incorporate a fully lying position for the first months of the baby and at least two more positions for when the child grows.

It is essential that it be comfortable for the babyof course It must be a breathable fabric, easy to clean, fluffy and a hood capable of protecting the baby from the weather (sun, wind, rain, snow).

You have to find out if it includes accessories as extra hood, umbrella, slide basket and foot cover, since it is an added value that has an impact on the final price.


You must comply with the safety rules of the European Community. It must have a five-point harness and an easy to activate braking or locking system.

It should not have dangerous mechanisms within reach of the baby's hands or feet or protruding parts that could harm the baby.

In the case of being a combined system of carrycot, stroller, and chair for group 0 car, we have to inform ourselves about the installation of each one and make sure that it is practical and easy to perform.


It will seem silly, but at the time of choosing it is convenient to have an idea of ​​whether there will be more than one child or not. If the idea is the stroller last for more than one child special attention must be paid to ensure that the chassis and the fabric are durable or, where appropriate, can be replaced.

We must also think about the possibility of installing a scooter for the older brother in the future if they are very followed.

Aesthetics and price

The aesthetics of the cart is usually the first factor that is taken into account, and it is not bad, because it has to be liked, but don't let yourself be carried away by the aesthetic regardless of the rest of the considerations, because in the long run you will regret it.

The price is, in the end, the determining factor. There is a wide range of prices depending on the brand and the model. Approximately from 300 to 1,500 euros.

It is important to set a budget and make a selection of strollers that fit it. Once you have the selection, you already value the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

I hope these tips help you to buy the baby carriage, a choice that must be made conscientiously to avoid headaches in the future.

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