Five easy ideas for cooking with children

It has been a month since the days have become shorter and with it the need to do things with our children inside the house. You already know my love for cooking with my son. I think it is one of the most fun and enriching activities for us, among many others, of course.

Today I want to give you ideas of dishes for cooking with children, simple and fast. Some recipes we have shared in Babies and More, others surely you can find them in the recipe blog Direct to the Palate and many others you can apply from your knowledge. Let's go some ideas:

Fruit salad

The fruit salad It is one of the simplest options to start cooking with children. We can let them prepare their own bowls with fruit, selecting the fruits they like best or preparing a large bowl with fruit to share with everyone. Soft fruits such as bananas, strawberries, kiwi or melon are easy to cut for your little hands with a plastic knife.


A simple cake recipe for children can be an experience for them. The idea is to have all the necessary ingredients and devices ready and let them mix the ingredients.

Vegetable soup

An ideal dish to prepare together and have dinner with the family. Children can cut carrots and celery easily if you pre-cut them into strips. Slightly older children can peel skin and help measure ingredients. Here you have a recipe for vegetable soup with noodles.


Older children will be passionate to see how yeast comes alive and makes the dough grow in a matter of minutes. The little ones will like to go directly to the moment of kneading and shape the bread before baking it.


As with the cake, making cookies with children is very easy and with very little danger in the kitchen because to prepare them there are no dangerous elements, knives, or cookers ... only at the time of putting in and taking out of the oven (something we must do always us).

Video: 5 Easy After School Snacks (July 2024).