The Junior FIRST LEGO League is a challenge aimed at kids to promote interest in science and technology

In Spain, the Junior First Lego League. It is an initiative in which schools from all over Spain participate. The challenge is that teams have to solve a worldwide challenge every year using Lego pieces as a basis to build a solution to the problem posed.

Junior FIRST LEGO League is one of the most important and fun educational experiences worldwide. It is a practical program designed to capture the curiosity of the participants and direct it towards the discovery of the possibilities of improving the world around them. In the school of the little one we have been told that a challenge aimed at young people from 6 to 9 years focused on promoting interest in science and technology. And we have been informed that the school has the possibility of participating with a team consisting of six students in 4th grade.

To give the opportunity to all 4th grade students in the school they have launched a contest, in which individually or as a couple, they have been proposed to carry out an activity. The challenge is that the works are evaluated by the teachers and that the name of the students finally selected can participate in the Junior FIRST LEGO League. In addition, parents have been informed that the names of the finalists may be published on the course blog.

The child is very excited and although the competition will be high among students, and surely parents will be fun to see how they organize, prepare to participate, learn and seek information to compete.

Congratulations to Lego for the initiative That seems exemplary. Children need to learn to solve problems and work as a team, they are valuable skills for future work, so it is very important that they work from childhood.

Video: Orion High School . Robotics Team (July 2024).