How can you promote children's reading through a social network on the Internet ?, the answer is Boolino

It is my pleasure to introduce you Boolino, it is a social network on the Internet that puts its focus in a very clear way in promoting children's reading. Here the profile does not summarize a biography, but is based on the age and literary tastes of children, and from this data, users receive recommendations from books that have been labeled and segmented by age groups.

The team of collaborators are experts in children's literature, and the base of tagged books totals 20,000 volumes.

'Boolino' symbolizes the objective of this company: 'bring books to the little ones'It also conveys the universality inherent in the stories because the root of the word is Anglo / German and the Latin morpheme. I think that the meaning of the word, taking into account the root and the suffix, can be something like 'booklet'. Numerous studies show that creating emotional links with books and a habit of reading at an early age, improves reading comprehension which, in turn, positively affects the ability to learn. As a consequence, there is a direct relationship between reading ability and school success. In addition, the shared reading between children and adults creates unforgettable moments for both.

Boolino's mission is to excite children for books, developing their cognitive abilities at both reading and comprehension levels.

Boolino aims to be a source of inspiration to encourage children to read

Thus Boolino is a social network for parents and all those involved in the education of children between 0 and 12 years. They offer us tips, ideas and recommendations through three channels:

  • The blog Boolino is a current space in which ideas and opinions are shared on topics related to children's literature and the animation of reading.

  • The Boolino Agenda is your guide for children's and family leisure with a wide range of cultural activities

  • Books are developing the most complete database of children's books on the market. Currently, it already contains more than 25,000 references of which more than 10,000 are classified by recommended age (it is simply indicative data since it greatly influences the reading level), by “preferences” (topics or areas of interest) and “keywords” to facilitate the search for a specific topic.

In Boolino, as a user you profile yourself based on reading tastes (“preferences”), the age and reading level of your children (or grandchildren, ...). Based on this profile, the ratings of other users and our experts, we recommend books that your children will love

I think you already have enough reasons to know Boolino, but just in case: you can share ratings and reviews, create your own virtual library with the books you have at home, and create children's wish lists for our friends in the network know what to give to the kids.

Boolino are Sven (dad and co-founder of the network), a German who feels European and lives in Barcelona; Toni (also co-founder and dad), says that every night he shares with his daughter 'a story, a book, a dream ...'; Ade (library collaborator), one of his passions is children's and youth books and - especially - illustrated albums -; Gerard (pedagogical collaborator) that is backed by more than 10 years coordinating reading promotion projects; Cristina (mom and collaborator in communication), has worked in marketing, communication and consulting and Andrea (collaborator agenda), who is convinced that literature is the basis of any culture.

We congratulate all of them on Boolino's initiative, because this network will be very useful to parents who want to encourage reading in children. And of course, we wish them much success.

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