Very chivalrous wool executioner

I confess, one of the things I've hated as a child was to wear "the executioners", those wool caps that covered your face, a kind of hybrid between a hat and a scarf. It was to leave the house and take it off as soon as I turned the second street, I could remove it before but one already knows that the vision of the mothers is able to cross the walls, with a clear limit, I assumed that mine more than two blocks of houses do not I was able to cross, so it was my "safety distance".

And it doesn't end there, no. The worst thing is that now it is I who puts it on my children, but it doesn't bother them. But I'm sure I wouldn't have had any problems as a child if my grandmother had made me one of these Wool executioners very gentlemen.

And there is also a version for parents. Maybe I can reconcile with my childhood.

Do you like this very chivalrous wool executioner?

Video: Henry IV - Part I (July 2024).