Large families will be considered that way until the child is 21 or 26 if they study

When a couple has their third child, they are considered large family. In case we talk about a single parent family, it is when we have two children. These families have the right to some social benefits because they are considered "large families", benefits that until now ceased to be granted when the oldest of the children turned 21 years old.

The government has wanted to lend a hand to these families by announcing that they will modify the law to protect large families so that they continue to be until the youngest is the one who turns 21, or until he turns 26 if he is studying.

Seeing the figures seems to be exaggerating, since 21 years the child can assume that the oldest already has a wife and children, but in many cases sure by then they are still at home. And in a state where more than 40% of young people are unemployed, you will tell me where they are going to live and how they are going to emancipate.

What are the advantages?

As a member of a large family, since I have three children, to say that the advantages are not to throw rockets, but that less gives a stone and that Any help is welcome. I am talking about discounts on trains and buses that can reach 50% (although we do not usually take the train), about preferences when applying for scholarships and in school selection processes (although when you sign up for the first one you don't usually have two more children) and in the access to houses of official protection (although in my case, I already had a flat before being a father, so…). In addition, when paying the university fees, when they arrive, they will be 50%, it is also lower when we pay the conservatory and also IBI payment is reduced (This is appreciated). In addition, paternity leave is extended up to 20 days.

Then, the autonomous communities establish independent aid, so it is important to find out where you reside to know what aid can be obtained. For my part, where I get the largest family card the most is in a shoe store in my city, at McDonalds, which makes you 10% and in La Sirena, a deep-frozen chain.

Thank you

So in summary, after taking our baby check, after charge health and, for being a health worker, freezing my salary for more than 5 years, taking 5% off for 3 or 4 years (I don't remember), leaving me without extra Christmas pay for two years and load the educationThank you for thinking of my family and large families (that seeing the calico for sure that they are rather few) and extending the time for which we will receive the aid. Unless they don't tell me that I'm not polite, that I thank them.