Google Drive for Education will be available to all Google Apps for Education customers at no cost

A few months ago we talked in Peques and More from Google Apps for Education (Google applications for education) and we commented that it has the same tools as Google Apps for Businesses although applied to schools. It is a package of customizable and scalable web applications that only requires the school to have good Internet access in addition to devices: computers, tablets, etc. from which to access applications.

The novelty that Google has launched is that they will offer Google Apps for Education customers the functionality of Google Drive for Education at no additional cost. This functionality allows you to have unlimited storage so that students and the school do not have space restrictions because they offer up to 5TB capacity.

It is also included in the offer Google Apps Vault, a content search solution for all Apps for Education users and better control functions with tools and a new way to program applications to get better performance to the educational platform. In Google they inform that these news will arrive at the end of the year

From Google explain that they offer security to all Drive users because the files that are uploaded to this space in the cloud are encrypt and they also do it when they are sent or received to mobile devices. And it is that in Google they are committed so that the data of the educational centers and of the students cannot be accessed and remain safe.

In Google is it so determined to make life easier to teachers Y students and they hope that they can use this tool by focusing only on offering a quality teaching and learning experience and not so much on storage space limitations.

Video: How to Create a Newspaper using Google Docs with Google Apps for Education - G-Suite for Education (May 2024).