Why wouldn't you put your baby here? A cradle inspired by "Shark"

We had seen a shark sack and nice lullers that eat the kids, but not something similar to this: a cradle inspired by "Shark" in which we probably wouldn't put our baby

And not because of how apprehensive we are with these animals or the nightmares that Steven Spielberg's film would cause us at the time, but because it seems a rather uncomfortable and insecure cradle for the baby.

Its author is Joseph Reginella, a toy designer and sculptor that drawing inspiration from the film has probably created the most terrifying cradle in the world, in which the baby "rests" on a ship that is being attacked by a shark with its huge jaws open.

It has been a gift for some friends who had just had a baby and, he explains, they are delighted ... and that the baby does not seem to like to feel the breath of the shark ...

The idea came to him while he worked on another airplane-bed design, probably more cozy than this crib, made of polystyrene foam. I don't think I follow any of the safety measures for cribs, or bars, or minimum width, or mattress ...

Come on, I would not let my baby sleep there more than five minutes and with me watching ... It also seems that the base is inclined with what babies can drain into the fearsome jaw.

The cradle has been so mentioned in the media, especially Americans, that It has already been put up for sale on the web for which this artist designs, Toxic Teddies (the name already gives an idea of ​​the type of toys we find here, for example, "Teddy Krueger"), and as a claim: "Your baby or your pet here".

So you know, if it's your style and you're interested in this cradle inspired by "Shark"Please tell me it will be for your kitten or your dog and not for your baby ...