Taiwan prohibits the use of tablets and mobile phones for children under two years old

Our children are digital natives. Some children learn to use a smartphone before saying their first words or starting to walk, but this early approach to technology may not be such a good idea.

That is what the Government of Taiwan considers, one of the world's leading technology manufacturers, which has decided prohibit the use of tablets and mobiles for children under two years old

Behind this measure there is a study in which during 28 days experiments were carried out with rats exposed to domestic ambient LED light against incandescent light, obtaining conclusive results: the rats presented an irreversible deterioration in their retina.

Electronic device screens emit five times more shortwave light, which can be highly harmful to the eyes, especially in young children, whose lens is still forming and does not filter this light efficiently.

Taiwanese parents who allow their children to handle electronic devices with less than two years will face fines of 1,400 euros for breaching the regulations, although as usually happens in these prohibitions in the private sphere (such as smoking in front of the children), Its application is practically impossible, unless it occurs in public places.

The Government of that country also tries that the minors of 18 years are controlled in the time that make use of the technology. Recall that many teenage users in Asian countries are true device addicts, and this is already a serious problem. In China, for example, some 24 million young people are considered "web yonkies"

A few days ago we commented that mobile phones and tablets could be negatively affecting the social and emotional development of our children. It is a matter of common sense. You can not deny the access of the little ones to new technologies, but always with control and reasonable use, especially among the little ones.