How has your child taken that you expect a baby?

It is an endearing moment, almost as much as introducing the new baby, but it is also delicate, because we do not know how the older brother will react to the news that a new family member is on his way.

I want to show you this very sweet video in which a four-year-old girl receives from her mother the news that she will soon have a little brother or a little sister. I was excited how small I could have such a mature reaction. In your case, How has your eldest son or daughter that you expect a baby taken?

Not all children get happy or get excited like this little girl. There are reactions of all kinds and all are respectable. There are children who certainly do not like anything, like this child who scolds his mother for being pregnant because he considers that two is fine but that three are already a crowd. Of course, it is preferable that you express your emotions, even if it is getting angry, you will surely end up getting used to the idea.

However the older one takes it at first, with anger or not, parents have the possibility of preparing the land for the elder before the arrival of a little brother. It is very important to make it clear that the baby does not come to replace anyone and that love is and will remain unconditional for all family members.


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