Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Many women know the fear when sitting or going to the bathroom during pregnancy, as if a seat with skewers awaits them. Hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent discomforts of pregnancy, often hidden by the "taboo" they pose for many people, but should not be overlooked.

Hemorrhoids, also called "almorranas", are pads of intestinal tissue, swollen in the area of ​​the anus or the lower part of the rectum. These pads contain many arteries and veins, are very common and result from increased pressure in the anus, which can happen during pregnancy, childbirth or due to constipation.

Approximately 40% of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids at some stage of pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Just as varicose veins of the legs are more prone to swelling in this period, the veins of the rectum also suffer from increased pressure.

Hemorrhoids can be inside or outside the body. If it is internal hemorrhoids, they occur just inside the anus, where the rectum begins. When they are large they can get out (prolapse). The most common problem with internal hemorrhoids is bleeding during bowel movements, but they do not usually hurt as much as external ones, even discomfort may not be appreciated.

External hemorrhoids They appear outside the anus. They can cause difficulty when sitting, moving and especially when cleaning the area after a bowel movement. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are more painful, since a blood clot forms in tissue that is outside the anus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The pressure received by the rectum area, especially at the end of pregnancy, the slowing down of the circulation and perhaps constipation problems, cause the anal pads to swell and become very painful. In the area of ​​the anus you can see one or more hard and sensitive bumps.

The inflamed tissue may bleed (especially in the case of internal hemorrhoids) often during bowel movements, which can give a good scare to the pregnant woman. The bleeding is deep red. But, unlike vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, rectal bleeding does not mean the baby is in danger.

More common are other annoying symptoms, associated with external hemorrhoids: pruritus, burning and pain in the affected area. It often becomes difficult, not only to sit, but to walk, change position or find the right posture to sleep ... The time to go to the bathroom, as we have said, also involves a lot of pain if there are hemorrhoids. Occasionally, there may also be bleeding.

However, if you are not sure that the bleeding is the result of hemorrhoids (and if they are internal, it often happens), consult a doctor, since in some cases rectal bleeding can be a sign of a serious illness. Better than a specialist confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment and relief of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids treatment includes different drugs and surgery may even be necessary in severe cases, but during pregnancy we already know that the fewer medications, the better (and less, go through the operating room). Always consult the gynecologist if hemorrhoids are very painful. In some cases they may recommend topical medication or suppositories that do not pose a risk to the fetus.

But there are certain natural remedies for hemorrhoids that may work for you. Sitz baths with warm water (if it is too cold or too hot the symptoms get worse) are quite effective in relieving pain momentarily.

There are people who do well with the cold, for example applying ice, but remember to never do it directly but wrap the ice in a rag. Others will do better with hotter water. If this is the first time you have them, you can alternate different temperatures to see which one is more calming.

Cotton underwear is recommended, softer and allows perspiration

The use of wet towels to clean after bowel movements is much better than the use of toilet paper, which is less soft and being dry can hurt to rub.

With hemorrhoids, hygiene after defecation is paramount, since there are irregularities in the anal area can remain leftovers that increase the itching. For this you can use warm tap water, with the help of a mild soap and always touching the area gently. The cleaning will be done from the vagina to the anus, and will ensure that the area is not wet.

Prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Many women will suffer them no matter how hard they try to avoid them, but many others will work tips to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Since the effort to defecate, constipation and spending a lot of time in the toilet increase the risk of hemorrhoids, we must ensure that the stool is soft. The trick is to maintain good hydration, drinking lots of water and eating a diet rich in fiber. A lot of fruit and vegetables, whole grains ... The doctor can recommend some natural fiber supplement if we consider it necessary.

Other tips to avoid constipation during pregnancy include avoiding flatulent and astringent foods, trying to keep a meal schedule and going to the bathroom, chewing food well, exercising daily ...

Try to reduce the pressure in the anal area sleeping and resting on your side and not on the back and also avoiding spending a lot of time standing or sitting ...

On the other hand, cycling during pregnancy is contraindicated if the woman suffers from hemorrhoids. It is not that this exercise is going to cause them, but the pain of the sufferer is intensified, since when supporting the perineum and the anal area on the saddle a friction occurs that worsens the hemorrhoids.

Some exercises that will help improve circulation in the pelvic floor area are Kegel exercises, which are also very beneficial for other aspects during this stage.

If you have suffered hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you probably also have them during postpartum. In this case, remember to maintain healthy hydration and eating habits and if pain prevents you from living a normal life, consult the gynecologist.

Constipation in the postpartum aggravates hemorrhoids, which joins the pain for a possible episiotomy, caesarean section, tear ... and when going to the bathroom can become an ordeal. If this is your case, do not forget to tell the gynecologist, they can recommend a laxative compatible with breastfeeding.

We hope that with these tips you can reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids in pregnancy and prevent its occurrence, luckily this discomfort usually disappears within a few weeks of giving birth.

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Video: Hemorrhoids. Piles. How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids Treatment (May 2024).