Quit smoking in pregnancy: who can help me?

It is not always easy to quit during pregnancyFor many women it will be, the nausea itself may cause them to reject tobacco. But for other future moms it will be a difficult trance to give up that habit that harms them and the baby.

That's why today we talk about who can help us quit smoking during pregnancy, a healthy decision for the whole family to count, yes, with our own conviction. Because the mother has to know the risks of tobacco, not only during pregnancy but also once the baby is with us.

Premature births, low birth weight infants, abortions, respiratory problems, sudden risk of showing ... These are some of the consequences of smoking or breathing tobacco smoke. Therefore, you should not only try to get away from the cigarettes you smoke, but from those consumed by others around you.

But quit tobacco during any stage of life it is difficult and many experts point out that not only willpower is needed but that complementary help is often necessary. If this is your case, do not miss the following tips.

Find the support you need, first of all in your environment. Talk to the trusted people (couple, family, friends ...) that you think can help you quit smoking. Tell them what your plan is and that you would like their support. If anyone has already managed to quit smoking, they will know what you are going through. It's good to be congratulated by your little (and big) achievements.

Tell this problem to the gynecologist or midwife at your health center ... Health professionals They can guide you and give you the necessary guidelines and even put you in touch with an association that helps you quit smoking.

The Spanish Association against Cancer is made available to people who want to quit in the different Spanish provinces. Whatever your country of residence, consult nearby associations that deal with this issue, as they have programs to help quit tobacco. In the United States there is a free telephone helpline for pregnant women to quit smoking.

There are also specific guides for pregnant women that you can consult to inform you, such as "Born and live smoke free", "Born without smoke" ...

Those who do not smoke in your presence will also become allies of your health and that of the baby, as well as all those who collaborate with your plan and support you. Do not stop asking your friends and acquaintances not to smoke in front of you.

With everyone's support it will be easier to quit during pregnancy, seek the necessary help and think that it is for the sake of your baby and that you will gain a lot in health. It's time to put a date to say goodbye to tobacco.

Video: Smoking During Pregnancy - New Study (July 2024).