Almost half of children under two years use tablets and mobiles

According to the recently submitted report FAROS (Observatory of Health of Children and Adolescents) of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Esplugues, almost half of children under two years old (specifically 40%) use tablets and mobiles on a regular basis in your day to day.

There is no doubt that our children are digital natives. They handle electronic devices with their little fingers even before they start walking, and many wonder if such an early approach to the screens is adequate. Among those who believe that it is not, there is one of the world's leading technology manufacturers, Taiwan, which has banned the use of tablets and mobiles to children under two years of age due to irreversible damage that can cause the retina.

But it's not just a matter of sight damage. It is also believed that mobile phones and tablets could be negatively affecting the social and emotional development of our children, since the more they spend on the screens, the less they interact with other people around them.

Children start soon, even since they are babies, and the use of new technologies is increasing with age. 72% of children under 8 years use them every day and when they reach the age of 10 to 15 years and 90% of children use them.

Technology is not bad, we cannot deny that they were born in this era and will grow surrounded by it. They cannot (nor do we want) to stay outside. It is positive that children learn to use tablets and mobiles since they are young, but all in their right measure and with the appropriate control, managing their use so that they are not abducted by the screen.

The key is in reasonable use, to accompany them, use technology to share time with them and control what they do when they are there, not to become an electronic pacifier that keeps them entertained so they do not bother. How do you manage the use of tablets and mobiles with your children?

Video: Kids Increasingly Staring At Glowing Screens, Study Finds (July 2024).