What if we could see inside our favorite toys?

There are many toys that have become famous throughout the world and that are part of the catalog of our children and, in many cases, that we had when we were little. We know them on the outside because we all know that a toy, on the inside, usually has nothing (for what?).

A father, a designer, decided one day to devote part of his time to creating sculptures that will show inside the toys. Well, rather, what they would be like if they had life, with their bones and organs, all based on their strange shapes and variations. The result? A amazing collection that some find it gloomy, others educational and others, like me, curious and fun.

The head of this collection is Jason Freeny, who in 2010 made his first sculpture with anatomy as the main reason for an idea that had been in his head for years (the first drawing he did in 2000). One day he put one of his works on sale on eBay and got $ 50, which was much more than he expected. Today his work is acquiring value and some of his works have come to sell for $ 17,000.

They are not especially large, but they are laborious and may take time between 4 and 6 weeks to make one of the sculptures. The current price of the majority is between 1,200 and 8,000 dollars and the demand that Freeny is only dedicated to them is such (it helps to get out of work a few years ago).

What do you think? In fact, for the price and given that they are the work of an artist, it is clear that they are not toys, but small sculptures for collectors or lovers, very lovers, of a specific toy. For others they are still curious works that allow us to see what we never imagined, the toys inside.

Video: 7 Amazing Toys That Are Too Dangerous for Kids Out of the Box #1 (July 2024).