The exciting story of a mother who brought thousands of baby carriers to refugees from Syria

While we look at France the conflict in Syria is still very much in force and after what happened with Aylam, who slapped us all in a violent way, many people decided to try to do something from their homes, from their abilities and possibilities.

A mother from California, seeing that many refugees in Greece were with their children in their arms, thought how good it would be for them to at least be able to have their arms free and started a campaign to get baby carriers. Thousands of fathers and mothers joined the cause and what seemed like the struggle of a little ant became the exciting story of a trip to bring thousands of baby carriers to refugees.

Carry the Future

The first thing he thought was that he had a baby carrier that he no longer used that he could send to a refugee. Then he thought it would be good to send a few more, and so he began to contact acquaintances in case they had any that they did not use.

He was aware that many mothers have a special affection for their backpacks, because they live with them and their babies for a long time, but the cause deserved it and many mothers began to join the initiative.

When he was 60, his mission began to jump to the media and many unknown families began to contact her to help in any way possible. Started a campaign in Indiegogo with name "Carry the Future" which was financed with an incredible 1540% of what was requested. With that money they would get all the baby carriers they could buy and finance a trip in which 9 mothers and she, Logothetis crystalThey will take them to help families carry their children.

The most exciting of all is to read the messages of support that families added to their baby carriers. Messages like these that you will see below:

The trip to Greece

And that occurrence that she had thinking about what she could do for the Syrian refugees became a trip of 10 women with thousands of baby carriers.

Once there they began to give them away, explaining how they worked. What did not fix the situation they were living? Of course not, but at least they could feel that the anonymous people also cared for them and received a very valid tool for day to day, a baby carrier with which to continue their journey in the search for a place where humanity is simply more human:

Cristal Munoz-Logothetis (right) next to a refugee

This video of Today explain the story too:

Video: Morning scenes on Turkish-Syrian border (July 2024).