Seven powerful reasons why you should never hit a child

Society is still asleep in the face of physical punishment for children. It is a deep-rooted practice that is not completely frowned upon according to what cases, but that causes damage and has both physical and psychological consequences in the smallest.

As adults, as responsible and loving parents that we aspire to be, we must know that hitting children is totally reprehensible behavior that does not lead to anything good. There are alternatives to cheek, you can educate without pasting. We give you seven powerful reasons why you should never hit a child.

You show that you have lost control

As adults, we are the parents who must have control of the situation. And by control, I do not say to exercise authoritarianism, but to have the ability to guide the child and explain which behaviors are appropriate and which are not in each situation.

Parents are the pillars of our children, their referents. By hitting them, we are showing them that we have lost control and that referent collapses, we disfigure ourselves as an authority.

I understand that it is often difficult to maintain control, we are all parents and have bad days. Tiredness, stress ... sometimes it makes us want to explode, but is it that we are not able to control ourselves before raising our hands? We must exercise self-control, count to 10 (or up to 100 if necessary) before exploding like an erupting volcano and pay for lack of self-control with our children.

It is a bad way to resolve conflicts

What are we transmitting to the children if we give them a colleja, a slap or a tug of hair before a behavior that we consider inappropriate? That in this way they solve the problems.

In this way, only We prioritize violence over words as a way to resolve conflicts. If there is a problem, we will talk about it in a civilized way, if you have done something with which we do not agree, we will explain it to you. If it is not the best time to do it, we wait until the waters calm down and then we talk. There are many options against the scourges, and of course, much more educational.

Violence calls violence

How can we tell a child that it is wrong to hit another child if we do it with them? It is a way to justify violence, to normalize it through incoherence and misunderstood authority. I do it with you, but you should not do it with others. How?

It is shown that children exposed to domestic violence become violent children. They see it at home and assimilate it as normal. Educating in nonviolence is a path that begins to be traveled from the day they are born, or even before, from the womb.

It is not an educational method

Hitting children leaves us in evidence how uncreative we are as parents. The easy thing is to give a cheek or a whip, but it only resolves in the moment through fear, but does not modify the child's behavior.

He will avoid doing so in order not to receive a scourge again, but he will not understand why he should not do that or that. The complicated thing, but our responsibility as parents, is to use educational resources that correct behaviors in a respectful way. Talk, dialogue, explain and not only resources before the action already taken, but also tools that prevent bad behaviors.

It damages children's personality

The screams, the humiliations, and of course, hit them leaves an indelible mark on children's personality. It's true, many of us have received some scourge of little ones and nothing has happened to us, or so we want to believe, but the brands are there. It would have been better not to receive them.

But now we are adults and we are able to look straight ahead at the mistakes our parents have made. Is that the model we want to follow with our children?

Abuse causes changes in the brain. I know that a scourge is not the same as a beating, but it makes us lose the line of a respectful education (where is the limit?). The violence makes them feel helpless and humiliated and causes damage to your self-esteem.

No one deserves to be hit

Hitting is wrong, whoever it is. Because they are our children does not mean we have permission to hit them. It doesn't stick to your wife, or your husband, or your partner, or your parents, or your children. They are what we love most, right?

Just as we would not give our partner a colleja to a bad answer, or to a co-worker for something that has bothered us, why do we believe with the power to do so with our children? Violence against women seems terrible to us, Why do we justify it when it comes to children?. We talk about helpless children, who are also our children and we must protect and educate with love.

Because it is a crime

In addition to not being an educational method and cause physical and emotional damage to children, in short, everything we have explained in the previous points. Hitting children is prohibited by law.

Be it a whip in the ass, in the diaper, a corrective touch, or the well-known "cheek in time", hitting a child is a crime. There is a law that fails.

Since 2007, the Civil Code eliminated the last sentence of article 154: "the parents may also reasonably and moderately correct the children." For its part, article 153 of the Criminal Code prohibits violent physical punishment.

Photos | iStockphoto and ellyn. on Flickr
In Babies and more | Why hitting children is a bad business (for children)

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