Breastfeeding in public in a fun animated image

Two days ago we talked about breastfeeding in public for the moment that starred actress Alyssa Milano in a television program in which she was forced to defend all nursing mothers in the opinion of the presenter that others do not have to see that.

Today I want to do it again because I found this funny "gif" based on various ancient works that I found very funny, representative of what many women live who breastfeed their children (caricatured, but representative) and at the same time a source of reflection.

You don't see anything, but even if you saw ...

If you look at the image, the woman sees absolutely nothing. It is covered by one of those covers that bother some babies so much but some mothers like it so much (they prefer to breastfeed covered) and the scandalous thing is, then, that those who see it know that they are breastfeeding.

That is, they do not mind what you see, but what they know you are doing. Unfortunately, there are people who get bothered by the simple act of breastfeeding.

The biggest problem comes when part of the woman's chest is exposed. That's when many people feel assaulted, both from seeing the chest, and from the disgust he feels when he sees that the baby is ingesting a fluid created by a woman's chest.

Disgust? So is… many people feel disgusted when you think about drinking breast milk or that a baby can swallow it, although it is the vision of the breast that usually leads to greater rejection.

As we have always said, the problem is where they direct the view, or rather, how they interpret what they see. Instead of looking to a baby satisfying a basic need such as eating or drinking They look at the chest that feeds. And the important thing is the first and not the second: "Do not look at me, that I breastfeed, but on my baby, who is eating."

Eyes, eyes

I am drawing conclusions from an animated humorous "gif" of a few seconds, it is true, but it gives reflection because, as I say, it can be very representative of a very current reality. In fact, it is quite possible that at the time they represented the pictures there were not the same reactions to a publicly breastfed baby.

In any case, the second reflection is the one that may come to mind looking into the woman's eyes. They call attention for inexpressive, for not changing the gesture or an iota despite all the commotion around, in what I personally understand as a mixture of tiredness, tiredness, overwhelm and, at the same time, a "step of all of you, that if it's for me, you can all go to hell ".

Do you see it the same as me? Do you think the image gives so much reflection or do you see it as a simple funny "gif"?

PS: The image, by the way, I have seen on the Facebook page of Mothers For Public Breastfeeding (Mothers for Lactation in Public).

Video: Breastfeeding (July 2024).