The radical (and necessary) change of Barbie: goodbye to stereotypes

Since Mattel presented its last announcement, there was an air of change for Barbie. In “Imagine the possibilities” (imagine the possibilities) girls appeared aspiring to be more than a fashion icon, and in another commercial ad broke sexist barriers by showing a boy playing with a doll.

Everything pointed to the fact that Barbie was evolving, but the final touch to her unrealistic physical appearance was missing. Yesterday, we were pleasantly surprised with fantastic news that puts an end to years of impossible measures: Barbie opens 3 new bodies: curvy, tall and petite, a radical (and necessary) change of the most famous doll that finally says goodbye to stereotypes.

The new doll collection, which is already on sale in the United States and will arrive in Europe in March, includes 4 body types (the traditional and these three new ones), 6 skin tones, 19 eye colors and 20 hairstyles, in addition of multiple and varied sets of clothes and accessories. A diversity more adjusted to the physiognomy of real women.

Her three new friends won't be able to ask Barbie for the borrowed clothes. Basically, because he would not enter or feel fatal with his new measures. Something that on the one hand is positive for the public, and on the other very positive for Mattel that will begin to draw different collections for each of them.

Curvy Barbie (or "plump") sports prominent hips and buttocks, wider thighs, arms and twins and a waist that has nothing to do with that of the original. Barbie tall (or high) is taller than the original with a more toned appearance and Barbie Petite (or short) has less size than the original with a less bulky body.

The Barbie Evolution Revolution

Never has a change in a doll caused such a stir, and Barbie is no longer slender and "perfect" measures means a whole revolution, because Barbie is not just a doll, it is an icon.

The impact has been such that Time dedicated its cover to the change of Barbie under the title: "Now can we stop talking about my body?" ("Now can we stop talking about my body"?). The article reflects on the new figure of the doll, its most important change in 57 years of history, and on the new canons of beauty in America.

Why I like that Barbie has evolved

As I said above, Barbie is not just a doll. It is an icon. And who have girls and boys who play with dolls, we don't want them to be reflected in those unrealistic beauty models. We do not want them to believe that being beautiful and successful is having eternal legs and impossible measures. We don't want them to play with a doll that doesn't look anything like the women they see on the street. Toys are that, tools for the game, but they must also feel identified with them.

That Barbie has evolved into a model with curves, a short and a high is tremendously positive for new generations. It shows that beauty standards are not unique, that being different is not bad and that all women, in their own way, are beautiful. Now we just need Ken to become "fofisano".

Video: Pocahontas Was a Mistake, and Here's Why! (May 2024).