Did you let your baby cry at night following the Estivill method? Well, according to him you did it wrong!

Thousands of babies have cried at night, alone in their rooms, because of a book entitled "Go to sleep kid" of Dr. Eduard Estivill. The book, an authentic Best Seller, has been in stores for 20 years and since then there are many parents who have followed the advice of this professional, apparently, without knowing how they should do it.

And in a recent interview with the newspaper Qué Estivill ensures that you never have to let a child cry to sleep alone. Come on, if you did it because that is what you understood by reading his book, you did it wrong!

How? What did he say what?

At one point in the interview they ask: "Should we let the children cry so they sleep alone?", to which he answers the following:

Never. This is what we explain in the book and that the people who have read it, have understood correctly. Those who believe that our method is to let children cry, is that they have not read the book.

That is, if you applied the Estivill method without reading the book very badly, because you let him cry without having read the book. But if you did it having read it, even worse, because It’s a sign that you didn’t understand anything.

But ... it does make you cry!

Of course yes. He obviously does not say that you let him cry until his eardrum becomes disgusting or burst (although I know of cases of children to whom this has happened), but he does say that you leave him alone in his room, still awake, with a doll, a poster and with words of love, encouraging him to fall asleep.

So, if the child complains, If he cries, you come back a minute and, always without catching him, you say that you love him very much, that you do it for his good, that it is night and that it is time to sleep.

If the baby cries again, then you wait two minutes and you come back to explain the same story to him, that he will listen if he stops crying, of course, because if he is crying in the crib, he probably won't even notice that you have entered, since you cannot catch him.

Then you go again and so you lengthen the times based on a table offered by the book.

If this is not telling you to let him cry, you'll tell me.

But, if he even tells you that if he vomits nothing happens!

That's right, and it even suggests that if a neighbor makes a comment about you "don't see how I hear your baby cry at night, what happens to him?", Instead of saying "look, I want him to be sleep alone and that's why I let you cry ", explain to him that he is ill, that an ear hurts and that, poor thing, he is having a bad time.

And yes, it also speaks of vomiting, that you might arrive in your baby's room and see that he has vomited ... something completely normal and logical in a baby who is suffering from real torture in the form of inaction: the baby or child feels fear, panic and the need for mom or dad to be with him and in the absence of an answer he ends up vomiting, either from stress, or from sore throat and cough from crying.

And yet you have done it wrong, if he has cried

And despite that, he goes out in the media saying no, that a baby should never learn to sleep crying. Well, I can only say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the parents who applied the method by letting their babies cry because they thought they were doing something positive for their children. I'm sorry for babies who have cried alone, for 20 years, because their parents believed they had an insomnia problem and that was how they had to solve it.

I'm sorry for all of them because in reality, most were just normal children They needed some love and patience. Patience and time to mature and grow, and that they would have ended up sleeping all night, even alone, in their beds, without the need to perform a method with which you teach a baby that the night is to be alone.

I feel sorry for all of them because they are left alone, without the support of their "mentor", who stands out from the whole thing, but at the same time I'm glad I didn't trust him, his words, his book or his methods

I did not follow any of his instructions and my children obviously they have never cried at night at anyone's direction. They have always been accompanied and now that they are older they sleep alone or accompanied without any problem, without having shed any tears for this reason.

I don't know how you will feel when you read these words all those parents who did the method, but I can only repeat what I just said: I'm sorry from the heart There are many of us who have been trying for years to explain that there was no reason to let them cry ... in the end it was he himself who has recanted.

Video: Sleep Training for Parents and Infants (July 2024).