Pilar Rubio and Sergio Ramos teach the first photo with their two little ones ... has it become common to expose children to social networks?

Social networks are definitely changing the way we learn about many things. Before we knew the children of celebrities by extensive reports in the magazines and now they are teaching them directly to their followers through their profiles. It is the case of Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio, who have shown us their first 'official' family photo, together with the little ones Sergio and Marco.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! In love with you! I love you madly ❤R & R Sergio Jr & Marco @ sr4oficial // Happy Valentine's day, everyone !! In love with you !! I love you to pieces !! ❤R & R Sergio Jr & Marco @ sr4oficial

A photo posted by Pilar Rubio (@pilarrubio_oficial) on Feb 14, 2016 at 5:14 PST

The photo has had almost 35,000 likes in a single day and has not stopped receiving congratulations ... obviously you see a happy family and a very beautiful blond pillar (Although many insisted on saying that her pregnancy would destroy her body).

Although my vein cotilla has made me enter the profile to see the photo when they have published it, It does not stop worrying me how common it is today to take pictures of children on social networks. I am very, very fan of Instagram myself, and although I have taken pictures of my baby, I've always avoided showing her face. Maybe for celebrities it works differently, but I, just in case, follow the advice for the use of this social network that we gave some time ago.

How do you handle this issue? Do you like teaching your offspring online?

Video: Sergio Ramos pays visit to son of terror attack victim (July 2024).