The 7 best TED talks for parents about parenting

Ted talks are conferences that are organized around the world on very varied topics, from technology, art, science, economics or education to motherhood and fatherhood.

I have compiled what are for me the 7 best TED talks for parents about parenting. How sincere and close these talks are, with their characteristic touch of humor, they will make us see ourselves fully identified, and rescue lessons that will touch us very deeply and will make us reflect on our role as parents.

For parents, happiness is too high a rod. By Jennifer Senior

Why being parents generates so much anxiety? ** Why is the goal of modern parents to raise happy children so difficult to achieve today? ** According to writer Jennifer Senior, "children are not the problem, something related to parenting, right now, it is the problem." In this sincere talk, he proposes some kinder and easier goals to reach as parents.

Our son's illness, a life lesson. By Roberto D'Angelo and Francesca Fedeli

A beautiful talk from parents with a sick son. Mario suffered a perinatal stroke (stroke) 10 days after birth. This has profoundly changed their lives. Upon hearing the news, they felt frustrated and depressed, but then reacted to realize that his son was giving them a life lesson, an opportunity to be better.

I am sure that your experience will be very useful for parents who are going through similar situations.

Let's talk about parenting taboos. By Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman

They are marriage and co-founders of the website for Babble parents, which you will probably know. They come to talk to us in a fun talk about the four most important taboos around child rearing.

How the expectations we have as parents then do not correspond at all to the reality of everyday life. So having correct expectations and knowing how to handle them makes paternity a rewarding experience.

Raising to cooperate. Cooperating to raise. By José Luis "Pato" Díaz

He is a pediatric neonatologist and tells us about the importance of the first months of life in the development of human potential. Take the concepts of cooperativism to the complex universe of parenting and parenthood.

Infant feeding By Carlos González

In the year 2011, in Valencia, Carlos González He talked about feeding the little ones, something that worries parents a lot, and that the pediatrician treats very naturally.

He talked about morning breastfeeding, complementary feeding and especially about the food free of porridge, which even five years later may sound very strange to many parents.

Every child needs a champion, by Rita Pierson

Rita Pierson is a teacher with 40 years of experience that tells us about the importance of believing in children, Encourage them to take risks and become the best version of themselves.

A very inspiring talk to keep her always present in the difficult but exciting task of raising our children.

Do schools kill creativity. By Sir Ken Robinson

It's a great talk that we can't leave out when we talk about parenting. Sir Ken Robinson, recognized worldwide as an expert in creativity and education, argues that children are creative by nature, and we are the parents with our way of raising them and school, who take them away from that creativity.

Children are not afraid to take risks or make mistakes, it is the education system and parents who, unintentionally, are shaping them until they end up doing what we consider to be well done. A great talk, which has been seen by many people, and that is essential to see if you are father or mother.

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting. Julie Lythcott-Haims (July 2024).