Adriana Abenia apologizes for her statements about breastfeeding and promises us a photo of her own breastfeeding

A few years ago that Adriana Abenia made some controversial statements about breastfeeding, unfortunate as few and we had occasion to comment: "Several times I have been indigestible food to see a woman breastfeed her baby," he said, as well as who does not want the thing.

And as happens on those occasions when you do not know very well where you put and release by mouth (or, worse, write on the website of a media outlet) the first thing that goes through your head, proving not to have Any knowledge about what the health recommendations say, a good one was mounted. Well, now, almost four years after that, Adriana Abenia apologizes for her statements about breastfeeding and promises a picture breastfeeding her baby.

It is in his blog where he makes "a special entry dedicated to all mothers", entitled "To breastfeeding moms" and in which he begins by saying that his previous article He intended to be relaxed, fun and was made with love and guasa with tweets from friends and colleagues who discussed breastfeeding in children beyond 2 years.

The article came to the story of a cover that attracted attention then by its provocative title (and which we also comment here): "Are you mother enough?" in which a woman appeared breastfeeding her three-year-old boy.

As you will remember, the model and presenter in 2012 said niceties like that women should "take off udders" in private and that they would not become a cow. Well, it seems that he has changed his mind and not only seems to want to breastfeed in the future when he has children, but also promises a photo of his "udders" breastfeeding his offspring when this happens.

The truth, I am glad that you have reconsidered and that what happened has served to reflect on the subject, on the importance of breastfeeding for mothers who decide to breastfeed their babies, as it says in their last entry , and therefore asking mothers for forgiveness to be offended by that. Even, has asked the newspaper where the article appeared to remove it.

At the moment he is still online and you can see the outrage that caused his words, it is true that sometimes the answers were disproportionate and this is what Adriana Abenia refers to in her post when she talks about many people answering barbarities and "a few wanted me even death ", something that cannot be justified under any circumstances. And here comes the issue of respect, which claims now:

But, please, let's respect each other, that each woman is able to choose whether she wants to breastfeed her child or not, without stoning her if she chooses the second option (...). We call the bottle "bad mothers"; to those of the tit, "fundamentalists."

What he might not realize then is that, okay, maybe with more or less humor, but his way of referring to those mothers who were breastfeeding beyond two years was not exactly respectful. And if those comments more or less humorous, but in bad taste or thoughtless as now seems to recognize, you make them at home, nothing happens. But if they appear in a media with so much audience, they will have the impact they had.

FREEDOM and RESPECT to decide and comment.
So, I insist, I apologize if you felt bad.
I promise to post a picture breastfeeding my baby when this happens, someday.
For my part, all forgotten.
And the most important…
Enjoy your breastfeeding and your precious babies!

Surely after all the stir the model had the opportunity to learn more about breastfeeding, to reflect on that act so natural and full of love, important for many women. Maybe the voice of motherhood knocks on your doors? Well, he talks about being a mother in the future and although it is not me who is very aware of that "event", I do hope he will do like other celebrities and so many anonymous moms and join the defense of breastfeeding in public.

Anyway, I'm left with the apologies you ask at the beginning and also what Adriana Abenia asks for in the end: respect between one and the other women, that the absurd war of the mothers does not go to more and that the moms enjoy their lactations and their beautiful babies. Oh, Adriana, if you had thought about it before! But better late than never ...

Via and Photo | Adriana Abenia
In Babies and more | Gwyneth Paltrow in the center of "the war of the mothers"

Video: Adriana Abenia, visita sorpresa (July 2024).