Can I sleep with my son and breastfeed without crushing him?

When a few months ago we explained that every night millions of women sleep with a tit were many people felt identified and many others surprised, for not understanding very well what was going to sleep that way.

And it is that many people consider that it is not appropriate to sleep with the baby next to him, or to breastfeed while he sleeps, and suggests that you have your child in a crib next to the bed or in another room and that, when he cries, Sit him down, then let him sleep again and finally go to bed: why can you breastfeed without fear of crushing your baby.

Because there is no human woman who endures a sitting night lactation

My wife also did it, for the same fear: we took him from the bassinet, he sat on the bed, gave him his chest and when he fell asleep he put him back in the bassinet. After the days, the fatigue was making a dent and he chose to modify the system to take it from the bassinet, give him a lying breast and at the end I pass it to the bassinet, in case she had fallen asleep. After the days the fatigue also affected me and the thing was, unintentionally, to take it from the bassinet, to give him a lying breast and that's it. The baby he stayed in bed, she slept while breastfeeding and ended up being in that situation of "asleep with the tit out".

And there are few "human" women (some superwoman will have to support it) who can endure frequent nighttime breastfeeding (that the baby asks you every hour and a half or two hours), and eventually end up falling asleep hopelessly , being better lying than sitting.

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"I don't know how many times he has suckled"

When a mother is asked how much her child breastfeeds at night (many pediatricians and nurses ask) there are mothers who respond very consciously the times that the baby is breastfed, probably because they do not sleep while they do it and because the baby does not breastfeed many times, and other times they don't know how to give the answer because their babies suck very often, because they fall asleep and because when they realize that the baby sleeps and they have the breast outside they don't know if he has been hooked once or three times.

But if they don't realize, can't they crush it?

No. They cannot, unless they are terribly tired, take sleeping medication or other drugs. That is why the colecho is not recommended if parents smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs or are terribly tired.

Yes, I know that mothers are very tired, especially in the first months of motherhood. Well, precisely in the first months it is advisable not to share the bed, although you can use a baby cot, or put the crib next to the bed, without the railing, provided it is at the same height as the bed (if not , it is dangerous).

As we said a few days ago, until 3 months of age the colecho increases the risk of sudden death, and after 3 months it decreases considerably, becoming advisable. And it is, because after 3 months the mothers no longer arrive in bed so exhausted and are aware that the baby is there.

In the same way that we do not fall out of bed despite not having a railing and that we do not sleep on top of our partner, the mother does not sleep on top of the baby if she takes into account the precautions we have commented. That's why I can't crush you.

In Babies and moreColecho yes, but for sure: avoid the risk of suffocation

In addition, in a study that is commented in Jeanine Young's book "Bedsharing with Babies; the Facts", in which they recorded about 800 hours of video of mothers sleeping with their babies, they saw that none of the babies were in danger of being crushed or suffocated, however close it was from the mother's body.

In addition, they evidenced that when sleeping together neither the mother nor the baby almost never turn their backs on each other. In fact, the most common position of the mothers was that of "C", with one arm under the pillow and with the body in the form of "C", as protecting the baby inside.

That's why it's normal for millions of women to sleep with a tit outside

So it is normal for mother and baby to end up sharing bed space, which the baby sleeps better by knowing accompanied and that the mother sleep better accordingly. And to get used to breastfeeding on one side and the other, as the baby prefers, reaching that vital moment in which he ends up falling asleep, as we have said, with the tit out.

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In Babies and more | Could I crush or suffocate the baby if I sleep with him ?, Colecho with the baby: why sleeping together is beneficial, The colecho and breastfeeding are so interrelated that we will soon talk about "breastsleeping"