Trafficking with life: they accuse a gynecologist of stealing eggs from their patients

This is a story that can remind us of some horror movie in which human organs are trafficked, only that reality surpasses fiction and action is not located in a sordid and hidden place but it seems that it has been carried out In a famous clinic. A well-known Italian gynecologist has been accused of stealing eggs from his patients.

The doctor was arrested last Friday Friday in Rome accused of extracting ovules from a 24-year-old Spanish woman against her will during a medical visit in Milan, according to police sources.

This is Severino Antinori, 71, President of the World Association of Reproductive Medicine and director of an assisted reproduction clinic in Milan. Controversial and media, in 1994 he became known for having fertilized a 63-year-old woman and in 2002 he announced that the first cloned baby was about to be born, although it did not finally happen (unless we know).

The event allegedly occurred last April, where Antinori diagnosed a cystitis to the Spanish nurse, from practices in that same clinic, where she was undergoing hormonal therapy to cure an ovarian cyst.

That infection was probably an excuse to be able to treat it and, with the help of some collaborators, the woman was taken to the operating room, was immobilized in bed, was given forced anesthesia and subjected to the removal of six ovules.

His mobile phone was taken away, but when he woke up and in a moment of distraction he was able to notify emergencies, who were in his help. Once she was transferred to her hotel, she began to feel ill and when she was taken to a hospital to check her condition it was confirmed that had undergone an intervention for the removal of eggs. A medical examination confirmed the signs of immobilization, anesthesia and finally the operation.

The affected woman is now experiencing this situation as a nightmare, because she has not only been forced and physically attacked but she thinks that her eggs may have been used without her consent to fertilize other women in this time interval, since the occurrence of the made until the arrest of the suspect, who will have continued working in the meantime. Of course, a trauma that is difficult to overcome.

At the moment, Antorini is under house arrest with an accusation of theft crime with the aggravating personal injury and has been removed from the medical profession for a year. Two close collaborators of the doctor are also under investigation.

The investigation has just begun and we can have more surprises when examining medical material, records ... And there is a suspicion that this practice has been carried out on other occasions with more women. In this way, we explain that the clinic where all this supposedly happened was announced as "the first clinic in Italy that offers fresh eggs to its patients".

Hopefully justice will clarify this unusual fact that is the result of, I imagine, desire for enrichment of authors who have no problem in Trafficking with women stealing eggs from women without their consent, apart from the law and all professional and human ethics, and putting those women's lives at risk. Really, a horror movie.

Photos | iStock
Via | The world
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