The effect of "tetanalgesia" is also for the mother

It is clear that breastfeeding is the best for the baby, it even has an effect of analgesia, "tetanalgesia", but it is also that for the mother it can mean well-being, tranquility and "improvement" in certain situations. How did he feel this mother who, after suffering an accident, asked to breastfeed her baby.

The babies do not understand mishaps and, after the accident in which, fortunately, the baby did not suffer any damage, although the health services had to help and care for his mother, this little girl began to cry. At first, it was thought that in the state of the mother (bedridden, immobilized and with a collar), it would not be possible to breastfeed. But, as we see below in the image, it was not only possible but this act has become an inspiration for thousands of mothers.

It all happened a few days ago in New Zealand. The mother, Danni Bett, suffered an accident in her car when she finished a trip to her father's house, which she was going to see for the first time Little Indi, nine weeks old. The story made by the mother of the accident is chilling because, despite not being serious, she became in a state of shock without realizing the moment she left the car.

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When she regained consciousness and everyone asked her if she was okay, she just thought terrified of how her baby would be, who was also in the car. Luckily, according to the mother, it was well attached to the seat (says they did not repair expenses when buying the retention system, because the safety of the baby is the first thing) and soon took it out of the car in perfect condition of health, without a scratch.

But the mother had to be transferred to the hospital and during the journey, her baby was smiling. Instead, the mother, after feeling the body numb and trembling, began to suffer excruciating pain. They could not give him any medicine to calm the pain because he told them he was breastfeeding his daughter (although someone should have known that he could be given pain relievers).

Already in the hospital of Christchurch, waiting for medical tests and immobilized, he began to feel worse by the fact of hearing his baby cry and not being able to catch her, or even see her. The situation had to be quite desperate, but the solution was closer than it seemed, and with the help of a nurse, they finally approached her baby and put him to the chest.

In Babies and more Tetanalgesia

This served not only to feed and calm the newborn, but so that the mother also felt that relief we know and thanks to which any situation is better overcome: her daughter was already next to her and calm. The nurse photographed the scene and the mother is very grateful for helping them overcome that moment.

They shared the image on Facebook, in a breastfeeding support group in New Zealand, although history can certainly cross borders. And, as the mother commented, and it is the moral that I like about this story, breastfeeding was the best for her baby at that time, but also for her. Therefore, he asks that nobody let them tell him that he cannot breastfeed his baby: she is the sign that even in a difficult situation, after an accident, it is possible.

Video: The effect of trauma on the brain and how it affects behaviors. John Rigg. TEDxAugusta (July 2024).