A great achievement: an epileptic girl can go to class with her therapy dog

Patricia had a brain injury when she was very young and it was not easy to detect or treat it later, the only solution to be able to live was a surgical intervention that greatly limited her independence and autonomy.

Now Patricia needs her friend Dora, a labrador dog trained as a therapy dog, to gain independence, to recover plots of his life that the injury had taken away and his mother Marisa knows it and until he has not achieved it, he has not given up his efforts but now, he wants more. It's not enough that Patricia's case is solved, It is essential that these situations be regulated by law.

We have assimilated the figure of the guide dog to blind or visually impaired people but there are many cases in which previously trained dogs become a figure that accompanies, helps and supports their owners in their day to day and in their different pathologies

In autonomous communities such as Madrid or Catalonia, the figure of the guide dog is regulated, there is a regulation that regulates the attendance of students to schools with these dogs but in the other communities there is hardly anything.

We talk about dogs that can detect their owners' sugar drops and help them when they need it, therapy dogs or dogs like Dora that can detect the epileptic seizures of their owner, Patricia and even their continuous disorientation attacks. Dora is vital for Patricia, so she does not always and always depend on the company of Marisa, her mother.

Small steps

This course Patricia has been able to return to class after the injury was detected and treatment began. An hour each day, a breakthrough that meant a lot to Patricia and her mother.

Marisa stayed that hour waiting for her daughter in secretariat in case she needed her help, in case she had an epileptic seizure or if she was completely disoriented.

This next year, Patricia will be able to go to the institute two hours every day, it is another small step in the recovery of her own life and there arose the possibility that it was Dora who accompanied her every day to class.

The need for a law

Not being standardized by law Marisa decided to open a popular petition online collecting signatures. The first day there were 24,000 people who showed their support by signing, thanks to this it was easier to speak with the delegate of education of Malaga, where they live and the problem was solved for the next year.

Patricia and Dora will go to class together without any problem.

Marisa's request is still open so that she does not stay alone in the case of her daughter, so that the administration takes the initiative and legislates in favor of training dogs to accompany children in need to educational centers. So that many other children, like Patricia, can also recover plots of independence that help them to face their pathologies and normalize them with their classmates. Deep down we talk about education, justice and integration, something that in one way or another affects us all.

Photos | change.org | perrosguia.once.es | pixabay.es
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