The first football game played by babies not yet born

Feeling your baby's movements inside your belly for the first time is one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy. It happens between approximately 16-20 weeks, depending on each woman and whether she has been a mother before or not. From that first time, with each kick the sensation of happiness is rekindled to know that your baby grows inside you.

And what is the relationship of baby kicks with football? None, but usual when the baby kicks say he will be a great footballer. A football club from Venezuela used this similarity to promote Venezuelan football and demonstrate its potential by inventing the first football game played by babies who were not yet born.

Ten mothers who were in their 28th week of pregnancy participated in the experiment and were connected to various electric monitors capable of detecting the kicks that the little ones were giving in the womb.

They divided them into two teams of five, each with an assigned number and the match began. Both the mothers and the parents who watched the game from the barrier attended the first soccer game of their children.

The objective of the announcement was that mothers empathize with pregnant women to point their children to play football in the Venezuelan club, but what they decide to be the little ones in the future is something else.